
Reliable Forensic Auditing Company in Delhi NCR

Indian Business dynamics are changing at an exponential rate. Operating in complex Indian market can become complicated at any time. Forensic auditor in Delhi NCR helps your business gather evidence to uncover the truth in case of issues through systematic auditing methods VGNC is a leading forensic auditing companyin Delhi NCR with requires knowledge and experience to identify and resolve accounting frauds. We offer investigative and analytical services that are diligently designed to meet our clients that include law firms, insurance companies, financial institutions, private companies, equity firms, SMEs, corporate counsel and startups. Our team of forensic accounts and fraud examination experts have worked with a wide number of clients eliminate any glitches to function smoothly. How VGNC Helps You? At VGNC, we have a strong team of trained, experienced and certified testifiers, computer specialist, fraud examiners, CAs, data miners, etc. We have well-define

Why You Need Forensic Auditing Services for Your Business?

Forensic accountants help in detecting misrepresentations, malpractices, errors and frauds in your financial statements through their expertise. While having an in-house forensic accounting team adds value to your business operations, it is not always a viable option. Why? Maintaining an in-house team needs a business to spend its financial resources to hire new accountants or train current accountants. Startups and SMEs might not have the budget to do the same. Hiring also limits access to the best talent pool. In such a case, forensic audit services in Delhi NCR can help you get all the benefits of forensic auditing without maintaining an in-house team. Here are a few ways a forensic auditor helps your business: Build Robust Internal Controls Policies and procedures that prevent misuse of business resources are called Internal Control. These policies help in restricting unauthorized or illegal operations or functions within your business organization apart from enhan

How Small Retail Businesses Can Reduce Shrinkage: VGNC Tips

Inventory shrinkage is one of the major hindrances in the growth of small retail businesses . Inventory shrink is the difference between the expected revenue to the actual revenue the retail business makes. Now that been said, how can this shrinkage be reduced so that your retail business can achieve its full potential? Loss prevention is the next step to reduce shrinkage in the business. However, it requires a lot of precision and expertise in identifying the factors associated with shrinkage and accordingly act upon it. Let’s Understand First What Is Shrinkage? Shrinkage is the loss of inventory for certain important factors such as administrative error, damage of goods while in transit to the store or in-store damages, shoplifting, employee theft, and even vendor fraud. Identifying the Causes of Shrinkage There are various reasons associated with loss. These can be damaged goods during the transit to your store or in-store damages of goods. There can be shoplifti

Why Your Business Needs GST Audit in FY 2017-18?

If you are confused about whether or not to get G ST audit and account services in Delhi NCR , you should. Why? After the implementation of the Goods & Service Tax Act in India, it will be the first financial year of GST for all the businesses. And having gone through the transition period of GST implementation – which was a quite confusing one. You will certainly want to avoid errors while complying with GST. Especially, in the very early year. What Are the Common Errors You Can Make? Non-payment/Short Payment of Output liability The excess claim of Input Tax Credit (ITC) Non-reversal of Input Claim failure (willingly/unwillingly) to correctly read, understand, check the applicability, and applying the provisions such as Place of Supply, Time of Supply, taxability of goods & services, payment of respective taxes (IGST, CGST, SGST) matching of Electronic Cash & Credit ledger with the books These some of the common errors that can have big financial